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Summer Abroad: Maddie Crawford PC'22

ucla adpi

"I knew I wanted to study abroad after hearing about all of my ADPi sisters’ experiences abroad."

Salut mes amis!!

Hey y’all! My name is Maddie Crawford, and I am a Delta member of ADPi. I joined the fall of my freshman year during formal recruitment, almost two years ago, and I can promise you that I would not be where I am today without my friends in ADPi.

Where am I, you might ask? Well, right now I am sitting on a train on the way to London from Paris. I’ve just spent the last five weeks abroad for a UCLA Travel Study program in Nantes, France where we focused on sustainability initiatives and the history and culture of Nantes. 

Although my majors at UCLA are Neuroscience and French, and in fact not Environmental Science (like Quinn, my best friend in ADPi), I knew I wanted to study abroad after hearing about all of my ADPi sisters’ experiences abroad. When we came back for Recruitment last fall, I heard so many amazing stories about the other girls’ travels and friends they made abroad. In particular, my friend Ava had the opportunity to work in Argentina, which was a powerful experience for her and allowed her to immerse into a new culture and make amazing new friends. She pushed me to pursue any opportunity to go abroad that I could. 

I am so thankful that she, and other girls in the house, encouraged me to go abroad because it has been such an amazing experience. Through the program, I had the opportunity to go to the Nantes city hall and learn from their officials about initiatives they’re implementing to combat climate change. I was invited to the French-American consulate in Rennes and met the outgoing Consul as well as several ambassadors at a Fourth of July party. I learned my way around the city, my French language skills improved, and I made some really good friends to go on adventures with. I taught third graders in a Nantaise elementary school about American softball and how UCLA is related to the 2028 Olympic games. I watched the World Cup with real French fans (Allez les Bleus!), saw Inside Out 2 in French, and celebrated Bastille Day for real! I went to festivals, concerts, museums, chateaus, two Fourth of July parties, and ate So. Much. Ice cream. It was awesome. 

Before this trip, I had no idea what an impact a program that was only four weeks long would have on me, but I can say I am leaving France now with a better understanding of what it would be like to really live abroad, a new perspective on issues such as climate change, houselessness, and food insecurity, and a new appreciation for the French language and the abundance of history, art, music, food, and other aspects of culture I got to experience. 

I am bummed it has come to an end, but I am so excited to return home and see all of my ADPis again! I know how lucky I am to have friends I miss so much, and I can’t wait to see you all in the fall (and winter 🥰). 

Pi love!

Maddie Crawford

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