"Every day I am in Alpha Delta Pi I am reminded that I have made the right choice. I have found life long friends and the support system I really needed."

While I had always known that I wanted to participate in sorority recruitment when I went away to college, I knew very little about the process. I had no idea what to expect and I remember being so nervous and excited all at once.
It was definitely overwhelming at times, but during the process, the one house that stuck out to me every day was Alpha Delta Pi. I came out of the HOP after every round with the best feeling knowing that I met extremely kind women and had the most amazing connections. Their words about the genuine sisterhood that had found by joining ADPi had drawn me in and the easy going nature of the conversations put me at ease. When I found out that I would be an ADPi on bid day I was ecstatic.
Coming in to College as a freshman can be incredibly stressful. It is scary to know you are starting a whole new chapter of your life. Things like finding a new friend group, being away from home, wondering if you picked the right major or even the right college can be so overwhelming. But, I can genuinely say that joining ADPi made that transition so much easier. I have found life long friends in my sisters. I have found the people that I can go to for anything. Whether it is to celebrate my accomplishments, comfort me in tough times, or just listen to me ramble, these women are there for me.
Coming back to UCLA after a year at home due to Covid was tough, and I was scared that I might have a difficult time readjusting and reconnecting with people. But as soon as I saw my friends, it was like I had never left. This past in-person year has been so much much fun and ADPi is largely the reason why.
Every day I am in Alpha Delta Pi I am reminded that I have made the right choice. I have found life long friends and the support system I really needed. ADPi is the place for me and I wouldn't have it any other way.