"These girls are unique in that they are driven, many of them being heavily involved on campus. Yet their determination is quiet and their kindness is loud. I’ve stayed in adpi because I can’t imagine not staying."

I came into my freshman year at UCLA overwhelmed, yet eager to find my place on campus. Deciding to rush was a last-minute decision that I didn't think much about, but I hoped it would be an interesting experience. I had little knowledge about Greek life and the recruitment process, but having an unbiased opinion was actually a blessing.
The first few rounds were a blur of superficial banter and it became hard to distinguish where I belonged. However, I always ended each day of recruitment walking into the Pi Palace, and walking out with a smile. The very first conversation I had was with a chill, curly-haired girl who immediately calmed my nerves as we talked about our shared love of the outdoors. She would soon become my big. During the house tour, I talked to the funniest girl who was obsessed with making Tik Toks and said she would chuck apples off the balcony when she was angry. This girl chose me to come back to the preference round. During the preference round, I talked to two extremely passionate girls who expressed their career ambitions and greatest hardships. Perhaps the most memorable thing all of them said was to “go with my heart” when making my final selection. They all genuinely wanted the best for me, and it was this authenticity that made me choose ADPi as my new home.
The next day, Bid Day, was one of the best days of my freshman year. I felt like I had broken my guarded shell and found people who would bring out my best self. These girls became my guide for the crazy journey known as your college years. I still remember my first night out on Gayley being completely comfortable because I had a flock of older girls with me who showed me the ropes.
As the whirlwind of fall quarter slowed down, I began to appreciate ADPi not only as a place of fun, but also stability. I know I could go to any of these girls for advice or to be a calming presence in my busy school life. The structure of sorority life kept me motivated to manage my time. It fostered a sense of community that got rid of my “imposter syndrome” many freshmen tend to have their first time on campus. These girls are unique in that they are driven, many of them being heavily involved on campus. Yet their determination is quiet and their kindness is loud. I’ve stayed in adpi because I can’t imagine not staying.
ADPi and its members have taught me how to be confident. I ran for office positions. I performed cello for our soiree in front of all my sisters (oh and many frat men too). I’m hoping to surprise myself even more this year. Being in a sorority should feel effortless. It should bring out the best in you and your gifts without even trying. For any PNMs reading this, remember that the selection you make is mutual! Talk about what excites you and don’t be afraid to ask anything you're curious about. I’ll pass on what I was told: go with your heart on this. It knows what it wants. It will dig beneath the surface level glamour. I’m glad I did. ADPi has bridged the gap between my sisters back home and in LA. It's like I never left home.