"I remember cheering Chloe onto to a regional championship in boxing surrounded by sisters and thinking to myself, there’s nothing this group of women can’t do. There is nobody else I’d rather cheer on or cheer beside."

Hi! My name is Jaime Wittner. I’m a 4th year communication studies major and food studies minor from New Jersey.
I joined Alpha Delta Pi in the fall of my freshman year, a day after my 18th birthday. Almost 3 years later, I have found my place at UCLA, within my studies, with my friends, and in my extracurriculars. Everything wonderful about my experience so far as a Bruin is directly connected to this sisterhood. I was admitted to my major because of help from older ADPis with classes and applications. I volunteer with Special Olympics because of a presentation I saw at a men’s basketball game I went to with the sorority. I joined the lacrosse team because Karina encouraged me to show up to tryouts. I live in my apartment because it was passed down to me by my grand big, Emilie. I could go on, but you get it...
We’re very lucky to go to school in a place like Los Angeles. There’s always something fun going on, something new brewing, something to see. Of course, I treasure the memories I have with my sisters eating unearthly amounts of soft pretzels in Disneyland, dressing up for nights out in Downtown LA, and partaking in pre-finals traditions at our beautiful house. But the moments that have meant the most to me as an ADPi aren’t quite as extravagant. I remember Grace walking me all the way from Hedrick to Broad for my calculus final freshman year and waiting 3 hours for me outside, just to make me feel a little better about the exam. I remember cheering Chloe on to a regional championship in boxing surrounded by sisters and thinking to myself, there’s nothing this group of women can’t do. There is nobody else I’d rather cheer on or cheer beside. I remember Chef Emma knowing my breakfast order and getting it ready ahead of time for my 8 AM statistics class. I remember the moment I convinced Alex to come across the country with me to work at my childhood summer camp. I remember my big Meg unconditionally taking me into her friend group as a nervous, timid freshman.
I love UCLA so deeply, and UCLA is only the place I know it to be because of my ADPi sisters. I hope you get to experience the same joy I have here at 808 Hilgard!
Pi love always,