"When I rushed, Alpha Delta Pi was the home for me. From the sisterhood that was palpable every day during rush to the bus rides to retreat, date parties, and tailgates; I've truly met my best friends."

My name is Lauren Reed and I am a rising sophomore majoring in Cognitive Science and minoring in Applied Developmental Psychology. I am from a little bit of everywhere on the West Coast from Seattle, Washington to Scottsdale, Arizona. I never thought I’d be attending UCLA in southern California, but I did know I always wanted to join Greek Life.
The idea of belonging to a sisterhood, where your best friends are always by your side, was an alluring idea coming to such a large public college. I knew coming to UCLA would prove to be one of the toughest meet and greets ever. The constant small talk and seeing people in classes during fall quarter and never again in winter quarter was not something I wanted. When I rushed, Alpha Delta Pi was the home for me. From the sisterhood that was palpable every day during rush to the bus rides to retreat, date parties, and tailgates; I've truly met my best friends.
When I first joined ADPi I was nervous that I would struggle to find my place, however the ease in which the older girls and executive board members spoke to me and about their experiences gave me the confidence I needed to reach out. No matter what sorority you join, whatever you put in is what you get out. I attended chapter meetings, Friday brunches, movie nights, and just relaxing around the HOP. Each of these choices integrated me more into the sorority allowing me to meet new people and bond with other girls in my Alpha class!
Flash forward to spring break freshman year, I never thought I would be in the back of a rental car with four of my closest friends road tripping from Austin, Texas to South Padre Island. The trip was filled with beach days, doughnuts at midnight, parking on the side of a road to stargaze, and I would not trade it in for anything in the world.
When you join ADPi you find genuine girls who want to be a part of your life, who want to uplift you, and who want to do life with you beyond the four years of college. For every girl going through recruitment, at first glance Greek life can be intimidating, but just know we were in your place not that long ago; and soon enough you will be in your home forming the best memories of your college experience!